Other than that, I wouldn't change a thing. Litwak shows up, we go to work, we put on the hours, then the arcade closes and we get to do it all over again! The only thing I might do different in that scenario would be not having to go to work. You and me get to goof off all night long. Are you really saying that there is not one single solitary thing about your life that you would change? No. Home run! Alright, let's go watch the sunrise. But now I got a best friend who just happens to be the coolest kid in the whole arcade. Yeah, and for 27 years I was a total zero without any friends. Help! Tron? Anyone! Help! Do you realize we're basically just, like, zeroes and ones floating around like we are just tiny specks of dust? Like, doesn't the very nature of our existence make you wonder if there is more to life than this? Why would I wonder if there is more to life when the life I got is perfect? I mean, sure, it doesn't look so hot on paper, I'm just a bad guy from some old video game who wrecks a building. I'm gonna beat my speed record! Hey! Wait for me! Ralph? - Yeah? I don't think they fixed the game. Eww! Gross! - Thank you. Hey, wanna sneak into Tron? - Doesn't that game have a virus? No, I'm sure they've fixed it. Ooh, nice one! Okay, I think I got one in the chamber. My mind is blown. Let's go get a root beer. You're totally right, kid! He's baby smooth everywhere else! I rest my case. I mean, if the fur were confined to his chest I might agree, but look at those two very specific tufts of shoe hair poking out of his boots. That does not just happen, Ralph. Riddle me this, Do you or do you not think that Zangief waxes? No way, look at the guy. Vanellope: Name one other thing in this whole arcade that is yellow and round and eats dots.Ralph: No! That's not - why is that obvious?.Vanellope: Well, obviously it's Pac-Man!.I spy with my little eye something yellow and round, and it eats dots. Vanellope: Great, but can you make it a little more challenging this time?.Ralph: Okay, my turn, my turn! Um, I got one.Transcripts for Ralph Breaks the Internet.